Sunday, October 4, 2009

Scary Dream

Okay, so last night I had the most weirdest dream. Also at the same time, i usually have these types of dreams. but this one was scary. Let me tell it in a story mode.

On a nice evening, I was chilling at my girlfriend's house and i usually stay there late say like...10:00pm or so. this time my parents were at a party and they couldn't pick me up. normally i would get a ride. but this time it was different. So i decided to bus home.

However during the time i spent in my girlfriend's house, we actually patched up something that was going wrong between us two, but in the end we were fine but it still was the feeling of me feeling bad cause i know it was my fault to begin with. so bussing home i was just reflecting on what i just did. Usually the drivers here in Toronto are extremely nice during the night. the streets went by slowly in my head. Kennedy, Midland, Brimley, Sandhurst Circle, then finally McCowan.

Normally i'm impatient with the McCowan bus so I always walk from McCowan and Finch all the way home. And i'm always by myself and no one else is along the sidewalk, so I always tend to sing a song, whether it be a love song, or a depressing song, or a reflective song. When I cross the street to go to the other side of McCowan to be on my side of the neighborhood i hear a really fast car passing by and all of a sudden i hear the words "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE, GET A LIFE!" then as soon as i turned around, i see many men in a dark coloured van, the side doors open, the windows open and a sunroof open; and through every opening of the car, there were men sticking their bodies out and then...they all pulled out their guns, I saw it and started to run. But by the time i turned around, i found myself on the ground and the car driving away.

I struggle to pull out my cellphone from my pocket and deep breathing at the same time. and as soon as i pull out my cellphone, i dial...9-1-1. *RING RING* "9-1-1 emergency, what's your name and your location?" I respond while deep breathing every third word. "I'm Sheen and I've been shot, please send me ambulances, I'm located at the South East corner of McCowan and South Side Sandhurst Circle." the lady on the other line goes, "alright we'll send out ambulances as fast as possible, just hang on." *CLICK BEEP BEEP BEEP* i put my phone above my head on the ground and a start to breathe harder, and on my second breath, i cough. and i all i feel was my warm blood along my face, i lift my head from the cemented ground and try to wipe my face. As I do start to wipe my face, i cough more and more, and for each cough, more and more blood started to come out. I started to feel weak and out of energy, I lay my head back down onto the cemented ground, slowly and cautiously, and as I do, my eyes started to close and I felt a small fading of my sense of touch and as that happens, I hear the sounds of sirens coming closer and closer, but it sounds so slow to me and gradually starts to fade into nothing.

I wake up to hearing two people talking, I find that there is a small light coming from above me and my eyes start to wander and look around. I find myself inside the ambulance and the two people notice me looking around and wanted to know my last name. I whispered, "Pardinas" and they responded, "well Mr.Pardinas, how old are you?" i mouthed the words "seventeen" and they spoke it back to me, "Seventeen years of age, you're pretty young. Would you like us to call your parents to tell you where you're going?" I quickly responded, "no, please don't I can handle this on my own."

My cellphone starts to ring, i first look at the time, it's's my parents, "Hello Sheen, where are you?" i spoke in the most normal voice as possible and lied, "I'm in a van with 4 other people, we're just going to the hospital in a bit, i'll call you when i'm nearly home" my dad asks, "who's with you?" I lied some more, "people you don't know, they're from my school," then i start to make up names, "John, James, Mary and Angel," my dad responds, "okay, call me okay?" i reply, "yeah, i will." then i hang up the phone. Not even a couple of seconds went by and then my cellphone rings again, i pick it up, "Hello?" the perons on the other line goes, "Hi!" it's my girlfriend, i pretend to be happy and talk to her, "Hey babe, how are you?" she replies, "I'm good, nothing really, you?" I also lie to her, "yaeh i'm in the car with my dad, we're just going to the hospital for a while for someone who got shot and is just there for a while, listen...i'll call you later cause you know, no cellphones allowed," she happily said, "Okay! Bye!" then she hangs up.

minutes pass by and I find myself on my stomach and i feel pain for a quick second and then goes away. i ask "what just happend?" the person replied, "don't worry, we just injected you so that your body can be numb, we need to take out the bullets from your back." Slowly, i hear the bullets hitting the metal plate *CLING* one...*CLING* two... *CLING* three...

The total number of bullets on my back were about nine. then i see that i'm in the hospital and my T.V. was on...i'm on the news.

"Local teenage boy, 17 shot several times on the back from a drive-by incident, police are looking for suspects as to who may have caused this. According to medics in the ambulance with this young man, they state that he lied to his parents and girlfriend that he isn't hurt and that he's safe. Medics say that they do not want to reveal his name."

then i woke up.

The End

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