Sunday, October 4, 2009

Following the Rules

Okay, so I've been searching up on the internet randomly on how should guys treat girls, or how to pick-up girls etc. etc.

Well, please consider that what I'm about to say is coming from a young teenage male who is in a happy, and very strong relationship with his girlfriend, over a year and a half in dating. So I can give you guys some advice, but it's up to you to follow them or not.

to make things easier for myself, i'm putting the setting as a teenager in highschool, so for those people who can be following this that are at work, try to change some of the words like, when i say hallway, i mean, work hall? i don't lunch time is say...a Tim Horton's for break, I don't know, you have a brain, so imagine it.

So you guys, men, brothers, you all are probably wondering "How the heck can I pick up this lovely, beautiful woman?" you see her all the time, in the halls at school, at class, at lunch, and you have this great sense of feeling for her. She has those lovely eyes, adorable smile, addicting scent, and a loving personality. YOU WANT HER IN YOUR LIFE! so later on that night, you look up on the internet "how to pick up girls," "Pick up lines for dummies," "top 30 things guys should know about girls," and you start to make notes and strategies as to how you're going to approach this female that you know.

You try out all these things from the internet on her and she starts to like you, but then you start to forget those rules and become some other person that she probably doesn't like, or that you start to complain that "there are too many rules for a man to follow to impress a girl! I GIVE UP!" and then you eventually leave her and probably find another date to get you mind of this girl and the same situation will happen...then it becomes a circle. Over time, you start to think once again, "how the hell will i pick up this girl?" you know what, your making it too much of a hassle for yourself.

What I do is this, treat her like you want to be treated. It's as simple as that. People always say, girls are more emotional, girls are fragile than men...well it's correct but that still doesn't mean that they're an alien. It is like men all over the world treat women like aliens and looking up research on "how women act" DUDES! they're all HUMAN! just like us! get that through.

Let me tell you the story of God creating the world in the Catholic Bible in the book on Genesis:

When God created the world, he created the earth, the sky, the sun, the moon and the stars. God also made beings on the earth, the fish in the sea, the animals on the earth, the birds in the sky. But God felt like something was missing and he needed something or someone to take care of the world because God is almost always very busy. So God made man and called him Adam. Adam flocked amongst the world alone and God realized that Adam seemed lonely, so God put Adam into a deep sleep and while asleep, he took the ribs from Adams chest and used it to make another human...a woman...and named her Eve.

I will end that story right there. If you look at that story, think about it guys, symbolically, God made women from us, the he simply took a part of our rib and made a woman. what does that mean? It means this...what is the job of the ribs in any person's body? To protect the heart. If you haven't figured it out yet, it means that women are the protectors of men's heart. Treat your woman nicely and she will truely protect your heart.

You don't believe me? Let me set you an example.

Let's say this... you walk down the hall with your girl and you know that all the nice things she says to you are nice, you are nice to her too! you tell her that she's beautiful and etc. But as soon as you hurt her, she can hurt you even more to the point where she may say "It's over" and that's when your heart breaks right?

Well, there you go, it may not be the best example but that's how it works. The women protect the hearts of men.

God is in every person. He made everyone according to his image and liking, therefore in our faith we call each others brothers and sisters in Christ, and because we know that God made woman out of man, and that they too are human, a woman is just like a man, but with different physical features.

Treat your girl like how you want to be treated. As my girlfriend does to me all the time, and says, "put youself in my position, tell me how would you feel?" what she's always emphasizing is that it can work the same both ways because we are both human, we don't act that much different from each other. If you want to have a miserable live, (God forbid) torture your girl; if you want to have a loving life and full of joy and compassion, love your girl, treat her like your queen, put yourself in terms with her and always know that a woman is just like a man, they cry, they smile, they hate, and they fight. Screw the rules and simply just treat her like how you would treat youself when you love yourself

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