Monday, April 5, 2010

Late Late Late

Music just stopped playing. I realized that im at a school sitting down at a concert, it didn’t look like my High school, so I assumed its another school. It was small and inside the gym, giving me the idea that it was an elementary school performance. I look around me and I see students in their teenage years holding instruments however and they were getting ready to play. I see my music teach Mr. J setting the band up on the floor while my jazz stage band teacher, Mr. Volpe was on the side talking to his students while the band was getting ready.

I realized that it was the senior band from my school that was playing the music because it sounded intense and really clear and in tune with one another, or at least close enough. I see that I’m not in the band anymore, and I started to get scared. The music started to get more and more intense and I feel that my heart is starting to race along with the music. The band looked nice, with their all black semi formal look, dress pants, and a dress shirt. I looked closely into the faces of the band, yes it was the senior band, but they were the senior band from two years go, that explains why I wasn’t playing or wasn’t in it. The music stopped, everyone applauded and I applauded as well, and I made my way outside so that I can get my semi-formal dress outfit so that I can perform.

I push the brown metal doors and its night time, the yellowish, orange-like light was shining above my head and to the sides along the wall so that people may see the way. I walk past the light and into the sidewalk where I see a bunch of young people rollerblading down one way holding a toy in one hand, a really huge toy. As my eyes started to get fixed into the night, I see one of my best friends going down with him, I could tell it was him cause of his baggy shirt, and his mohawk which later was soon covered by his hat. I tried yelling at him, getting his attention, “Hoy!....Pssstt!!...Hoy!!...HA!” Not one of those calls got his attention, but instead, he went behind a bush and his friends all started to hide and I wondered what they were doing. A young child came next to me and asked, “do you know what they’re doing?” I replied, “It looks like they’re playing with their toy guns, shooting tennis balls,” bonk bonk bonk, I see green balls flying across the air, “Yeup, they’re playing with those guns.” And so I walked into the same direction I was walking.

I enter a door to what I see as a small hostel. The room doors were white and their doorknobs were gold, they didn’t look clean cause the paint was peeling and there were some molds on the corners and sides of the hallway. I found something spikey in my pocket, I reached down, and they were keys, one was silver, it has a rounded handle part where people hold they key to twist, and it was small in length. I had another key that was really long, and a rusted bronze-like colour, with a triangular base with a number written on it… “something, something, eight.”*

I found the door that matched it and I entered in, it turned out to be like a locker, so I looked up and saw mouthpieces, my mouthpeices for my instruments. I saw three trumpet mouthpieces, one in a black case, but really old looking, and two just out in the open but filled with spiderwebs or dust. The final mouthpiece lying on top was the tuba mouthpiece which I borrowed from Mr. J, I saw only the rounded part was there and the long part to insert into the tuba was cut off, I started to worry that he might kill me, but I ignored it and I grabbed one of the cleaner looking mouthpeices.

I exit the door and all of a sudden, I’m outside, I feel that I have a bag on my back, so I took a look inside, it was empty…weird… I realized that I was still not wearing my semi-formal clothing and I looked at my ipod and it said it was 8:30pm, I had fifteen minutes to get back at school with my concert-wear on because of the intermission our school usually does . I call my mother to see if she can pick me up. I dial… there’s a ring… she picks up, “Hello?”

“Hi mom?”


“Can you pick me up, I need to get my concert gear so that I can perform tonight”

“where did you leave it?”

“I left my concert gear at home, can you bring it instead”


She hangs up, and I start to wander around. I feel a droplet of water on my nose and I look up, its starting to rain, my mother comes five minutes later and I get inside the car. We start to drive and my mom looked tired, like as if she has been working for ages. She made a right turn instead of a left into the Canadian Pacific Railway, and she says, “I thought you needed to go here?”

“No, mom , I was gonna but I already did it” *

Everything just blanked out and I saw myself infront of McDonalds at my intersection near my house, its nighttime but at least the rain has stopped. I looked at the clock and I see its 10:00 on Monday, I’m like, damm…I need to get to school, I’m already late…where the heck did my mom go? I dialed the phone again…ring ring rin… “Hello?”

“Hi mom! Why did you just leave me here I have school!”

“Oh sorry, I’ll pick you up now then.” Click

I looked at my cell phone this time and it still said 10:00 on Monday. Then I did a double take, it said “Monday 10:01pm” damm… I just missed school…what the hell just happened? I called my mom again and she picks up, I tell her , “Mom, it’s okay, school’s done I’ll just walk home”

But instead of walking towards the direction of home, I walked the opposite way, what the hell am I doing now?

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